State PLU

Alabama Principal ACT for PLUs
The Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) requires school administrators to complete 30 hours of high-quality professional learning annually, including early literacy and numeracy training for elementary administrators. PLUs must align with Alabama’s Professional Development Standards and be approved by the Alabama Council for Leadership Development (ACLD). For more information, visit

TAASRO will have a Daily sign in sheet for the Principal ACT PLUs.

To earn the PLU participants will be required to complete the following:

Phase I- Register in PowerSchool
Content and knowledge- participants must attend the 2024 TAASRO Safe Schools Conference, (2024-2025) "Silver Anniversary of Keeping Schools Safe and Moving Forward for Continuous Improvement " June 3-7, 2024, in Orange Beach, Alabama.

Phase II -Implementation- Participants must invest a minimum of 30 hours implementing and applying the content learned from the conference at their school or district (See our Implementation Log below). This implementation could include faculty meetings that present a portion of the knowledge from the material presented at the conference. This train-the-trainer type of presenting could also include guest speakers from law enforcement, safe school representatives, mental health associations, social workers, and other agencies that have expertise in these areas. These meetings may also be with departments, feeder pattern schools, community stakeholders, etc. Information should inform the faculty and all stakeholders about current trends in topics such as mental health, relocation, reunification, resiliency, etc. This documentation should also include sign-in sheets, agendas, hand-outs, pamphlets, etc.

Participants may also document meetings with community leaders and business leaders to discuss collaboration projects to assist in the aforementioned areas.

All monitoring and evaluation will be done by:
Dale Stripling-
Jefferson County Board of Education
2100 18th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35209

All records and documentation will be stored in a secured place for a minimum of 5 years.
Phase III- Evaluation/Reflection- Participants must complete an evaluation of the PLU's effectiveness. This evaluation includes questions concerning prior knowledge in the subject matters and knowledge gained from participating in the PLU. This information will be used to plan future conferences to improve effectiveness.

Upon completion of said requirements, participants will email or send completed packages to or mail to:
Dale Stripling
Jefferson County Board of Education
2100 18th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35209

All information will be filed and stored in a secure place for a minimum of five years. When information is received, all participants will receive one PLU. The professional study will be offered for one year.

Please note: The PLU cannot be approved until all requirements are completed and turned in, to include, the evaluation/survey.  The PLU can only be awarded in May of the next year.  For example, the 2024 PLU will be awarded in May of 2025 regardless when all the requirements are fulfilled.